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What is UMPC  

UMPC, just like what the Adur District Council On-Line said, UMPC is an "Ultra Mobile PC", Wikipedia also have an explaination page about UMPC, wikipedia explained that UMPC also called as Project Origami and then Microsoft also explained that The Ultra-Mobile PC is a new kind of computer. It combines the power of Windows XP with mobile-ready technologies that make it easy to access and use your software on the go.

Project Origami UMPC feature the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005, Windows Vista or a specially adapted Linux distribution[1] and low-voltage Intel Pentium or VIA C7-M processors in the 1 GHz range.

With small, lightweight, carry-everywhere hardware designs, you can connect and communicate, accomplish any task anywhere and at any time, and be entertained and informed wherever life takes you.

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